Живая поддержка

Номер IMEI: 356118095371035

iPhone 8 Plus заблокирован на Activation Lock (Premium Service)

В черном списке – невозможно разблокировать

В процессе

Этот телефон зарегистрирован как потерянный/украденный. К сожалению, юниты, занесенные в черный список, невозможно разблокировать. Для этого вам была выдана кредит-нота.

Прогресс вашего IMEI: 99%
Оставшееся время: неизбежный

На этом этапе вам не нужно ничего делать, просто дождитесь завершения процесса. Вы можете продолжать использовать свой handset как обычно с Activation в течение этого периода.

Разблокировка соединения LIVE


Обновления заказов

Wed 12 Jun 2019, 15:04 UTC

Отправлен запрос на разблокировку стандартной услуги Activation

Wed 12 Jun 2019, 15:04 UTC

Премиум сервис Разблокировка полученного платежа: £, Оплачено карты 9557

Mon 10 Jun 2019, 10:00 UTC

Dear Dmytro,

We attempted to remove your iCloud locked device from the previous owner's account but were unable to do so as the iCloud Account associated with the iPhone 8 (356118095371035) is unfortunately marked by Apple as Lost/Stolen. This does NOT necessarily mean that the iPhone 8 has been reported lost to the carrier - this is something totally different. It means the device/iCloud account has been reported using FindMyiPhone.

As stated on the website before purchase it is not possible to remove the Activation Lock on iDevices which are in Apple's iCloud lost/stolen database using our Clean service. There will be a premium service which is due to resume in the next 2-3 days which can unlock this device, you will be informed as soon as it is available via email.

However as a goodwill gesture you have been given a voucher for the full value of your purchase, under the email address [email protected] which you can use on a different device or against a network unlock for a different unit (please note they cannot be used against another iCloud unlock, see below for reasons). This voucher will not expire but we have given you a voucher against another unlock, see below. If you do not wish to to use our Any Network (Worldwide) Premium Service to unlock this IMEI or have no other IMEI to unlock, and you believe the status of your iPhone 8 to be clean and can provide proof that the IMEI is not lost/stolen or in contract, please reply to this email with proof and we will be only too happy to authorise a card refund

There are numerous services such as (FREE) which can be used to identify Lost/Stolen devices.

** Important: this voucher is not compatible with another iCloud purchase **
Please note that we incur a cost from our supplier EVERY SINGLE time we submit an iCloud unlock, and they refuse refunds for blacklisted units. Some clients previously took advantage of this and were using their vouchers to submit 10+ iClouds consecutively, costing us hundreds of dollars on a $50 purchase. For this reason, we now only allow ONE failed iCloud purchase per customer. Please use your voucher against a network unlock, not an iCloud unlock. If you have no other device to sim unlock at the current time, please save your vouchers for premium service for this IMEI, or perhaps friends or a family member can make use of one of our network unlocks?

Результаты проверки соответствия требованиям

  • OK
     Телефон активирован с помощью оператора связи
  • OK
     Выбрана правильная сеть
     Не потеряно и не украдено


Живая поддержка

На все запросы поддержки отвечают в течение 30 минут, 365 дней в году.

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